Transforming lives through the study and treatment of mental illness.
Brown Psychiatry and Human Behavior leads the field in mental health education, research, and clinical care, with compassion and community at the heart of our work.
Transforming lives through the study and treatment of mental illness.
Brown Psychiatry and Human Behavior leads the field in mental health education, research, and clinical care, with compassion and community at the heart of our work.
World-Renowned Training. High-Impact Research. Evidence-Based Care.
A leading academic site for psychiatry and psychology, Brown Psychiatry and Human Behavior has a talented and diverse faculty committed to advancing discovery, providing patient-centered treatment, and training the next generation of global leaders in mental health.
Diversity and Anti-Racism
We are committed to developing and continuously improving policies, practices, and climates that foster equity and justice within our clinical care, research, and education missions.
Recent News
Read MoreZobeida Diaz Named Director of Women’s Behavioral Health at Women & Infants
Dr. Paul Wallace Named Medical Director of The Providence Center
By the Numbers: Research
$ 67 million
in external research funding (2022)
125+ faculty
involved in high-impact research
dedicated research service cores
NIH-supported institutional training grants (T32)
$ 1.07 million
in NIMH funding for psychiatry residency research training program