Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Research Affiliates
Brown Psychiatry and Human Behavior faculty lead, and collaborate with, numerous core facilities, programs, institutes, and centers at Brown and its affiliated hospitals.
Research Affiliates
Brown Psychiatry and Human Behavior faculty lead, and collaborate with, numerous core facilities, programs, institutes, and centers at Brown and its affiliated hospitals.
Advance Rhode Island Clinical and Translational Research (Advance RI-CTR) supports clinical and translational researchers in Rhode Island through funding, research resources and services, and professional development opportunities in order to fuel discoveries that improve overall health in the state.
The Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science supports research, training, and outreach to benefit faculty from 23 academic and clinical departments at Brown University, including the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior.
The Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies (CAAS) is an internationally renowned research center in addiction research. We conduct collaborative research that will lead to more effective treatment for alcohol and drug use, and are creating a nationwide program in substance abuse, education and training for psychologists, physicians, medical students, and health care professionals.
The Center for Computational Molecular Biology promotes the development, implementation, and application of analytical and computational methods to foundational questions in the biological and medical sciences. The research programs of the center's core faculty lie at the intersection of computer science, evolutionary biology, mathematics, and molecular and cellular biology.
Based at the Brown School of Public Health, Center for Statistical Sciences faculty and staff conduct methodologic research in biostatistics and interdisciplinary research in a broad range of areas of medicine, public health, and biology.
The Center for Translational Neuroscience advances knowledge of the pathogenesis of brain disease and translates this knowledge to improved clinical outcomes for families affected by brain disease.
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences-funded COBRE Center for Central Nervous System Function focuses on the brain processes that underlie attention, decision making and action.
The COBRE Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease embraces the age of genomics medicine from an explicitly data-driven, computational perspective. The collaborative center includes empirical and computational scientists who work to advance new discoveries, algorithms, and genomic screening approaches with direct relevance to several human diseases.
The Data Science Initiative at Brown University is a hub for research and education in the foundational methodologies, domain applications, and societal impacts of data science.
The Division of Research at Brown University advances and elevates research at Brown by identifying opportunities and developing and supporting leading-edge research programs.
The Brown Laboratories for Molecular Medicine provides molecular genetic, epigenetic, and gene expression analysis. Coupled with statistical genetic support from the Division of Behavioral Genetics at Rhode Island Hospital, the lab provides full service integration of genetic research methods into ongoing and new research programs in psychiatry and other areas of medical and behavioral research.
The Norman Prince Neurosciences Institute (NPNI) at Brown University Health is a national leader in the neurosciences, providing exceptional neurological and neurosurgical care to adults with brain or spine disorders and comprehensive care for patients in need of mental and behavioral health care.