Brown Psychiatry and Human Behavior adjunct assistant professor Rachel Herz says the perfume industry has shifted from “direct themes” like power or sex in favor of gender-neutral personal journeys.
Yael Shonbrun, PhD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior, offers her professional and personal take on less-is-more parenting.
""[T]hese were all women with a BMI between 25 and 40, so they are classified with overweight or obesity, and they can do yoga. Yoga is for all sizes," Dr. Jessica Unick said.
Brown University researchers are partnering with faith-based leaders in Providence to increase participation of Black community members in Alzheimer’s prevention studies.
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Neurology W Curt LaFrance calls for changes in both the content and format of psychiatry training for neurology residents, noting that current rotations aren't reflective of the contemporary models of care delivery.
How does sleep impact children’s mental health? Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Mary Carskadon, PhD, has devoted her career to the study of sleep.